"Man in the Music" by Joseph Vogel
S ome philosophies claim that the eyes symbolize such qualities as the gift of prophecy, intelligence, and conscious awareness. In her book Chakra Bible , Patricia Mercier describes the eye “chakras,” or centers of spiritual energy, as those which “feed the brain but can develop to detect extra-sensory information or send healing to others.” That’s a pretty heavy thought. But as heavy as it is, it’s not all that difficult to entertain such luminous possibilities when considering the life and legacy of Michael Joseph Jackson . Why? Because the life he challenged himself to live turned so many dreamed theories––both his own and that of others–– into material reality. It happened while he lived until his death on June 25, 2009 and it is happening now in the year of what would have been his fifty-third birthday. To continue reading please click the following link: Looking at the world through Michael Jackson's left eye (part 1...