Savannah Talks Troy Anthony Davis No. 13: Death of Virginia Davis by Aberjhani

(photo by Stephen Morton of Virginia Davis on left with Martina Davis-Correia on their way to evidentiary hearing for Troy Anthony Davis)

If the whole point behind continuing to seek the execution of Troy Anthony Davis after his two decades on death row in Georgia has been to take another life in exchange for that of slain officer Mark Allen MacPhail, some may say that Davis’s mother, Virginia Davis, paid that price on her son’s behalf when she passed April 12, 2011, in Savannah, Georgia, at the age of 65.

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Savannah Talks Troy Anthony Davis No. 13: Death of Virginia Davis - National African-American Art |


Ashley Stearns said…
Three weeks ago I created a petition entitled, "Appeals for Reprieve from Execution and Clemency for Troy Anthony Davis," because I care deeply that this innocent man not be executed for a murder he did not commit. His is a pretty sad - but unfortunately common - story nowadays for African-American men.  Troy may not have much time left once the sodium thiopental supply issue is resolved in Georgia.

I'm trying to collect 10,000 signatures, and I could really use your help. I already have nearly 270 signatures, and if you sign this petition, your appeal to save Troy will be sent directly to all five members of the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles as well as District Attorney Larry Chisolm.

To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here: 

It'll just take a minute.

Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like us are willing to spread the word.


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