Savannah Talks Troy Anthony Davis No. 12: U.S. Supreme Court Denies Appeal - National African-American Art |

Troy Anthony Davis image as part of "Making the Invisible Visible" campaign sponsored by Amnesty International and the Germany art collective known as Mentalgassi.

Having attempted to obtain his freedom for more than twenty years, Georgia death-row inmate Troy Anthony Davis may have lost his final chance when on March 28, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it would neither review Davis’s requested appeal itself nor order the Federal Appeals Court in Atlanta to do so.

Davis and supporters have been battling for his freedom since he was convicted and sentenced to death for the 1989 murder of off-duty police officer Mark Alan MacPhail in Savannah. He has been scheduled to be put to death three times but each time obtained a stay of execution pending further investigation into his case. Davis had long contended that a review of new evidence would establish his innocence, and when seven out of nine witnesses recanted their testimonies against him, it appeared the legal tide might eventually turn in his favor.

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Savannah Talks Troy Anthony Davis No. 12: U.S. Supreme Court Denies Appeal - National African-American Art |


I just created a petition entitled Appeals for Permanent Stay of Execution and Clemency for Troy Anthony Davis, because I care deeply that this innocent man not be executed for a murder he did not commit. 

I'm trying to collect 10000 signatures, and I could really use your help. 

To read more about what I'm trying to do and to sign my petition, click here: 

It'll just take a minute! 

Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word! 

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