Celebrating CTI: That's a Good Thing

One of my publishers first approached me with the idea of joining an online social network as a means to promote a new book. Although I was not exactly in love with the idea, I couldn’t argue against its modern practicality. After enjoying myself as a well-mannered guest (or at least I hope I was) in several “hot” communities, it seemed only fitting that I should take my turn as host at someplace like Creative Thinkers International located just over the rainbow.

Since its establishment, the community has developed far beyond any vision I had of it and now serves as an authentic point of global cultural reference and interaction. Over the past year, it has grown into a worldwide community of authors, artists, filmmakers, actors, musicians, readers, photographers, and ordinary everyday people. Moreover, it is home to quite a few Amazon widgets. Next month, from September 10-16, the community will celebrate its first anniversary in its own creative style with friendly blog funtests, poetry events, music, prize give-a-ways, and a great deal more.

What started off as a marketing checklist requirement evolved into this: “The purpose of Creative Thinkers International, also known as The CTI Initiative, is to help inspire creative responses to the challenges and the joys of twenty-first century life through all forms of writing, the visual arts, music, the social sciences, spiritual awareness, and philosophical inquiry.”

Idealistic? Maybe. Worthwhile? Definitely.



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